There is no doubt that an acidic lifestyle puts you at risk of disease and many other issues, from decreased energy all the way to serious health conditions that put your life at stake. Simply put, things get very bad, very quickly in a body that is acidic. In fact, an acidic lifestyle can be deadly if left unchecked.

The Top Risks of an Acidic Lifestyle

Here are some of the most damaging risks of an acidic lifestyle…


One of the first results of an acidic diet is an overgrowth of yeast. Symptoms include topical candida, athletes foot, skin conditions such as dry skin, acne, eczema, psoriasis, digestive discomfort and many others. The bad news is that the growth continues even if you cut out acidic food. Yeast feeds on its own waste, which means that it grows and grows. Consuming sugar, yeast and other acid-forming food is not unlike throwing petrol onto fire. Over-acidification is a harsh cycle that builds toxins rapidly. As sugars and acids ferment, they cause yeast and mould, which in turn, results in candida overgrowth and acid waste in the digestive system.


Thanks to the body having a very small alkaline buffering system, only a small amount of acids are neutralised during daily bodily functions. Whenever acidic food and drinks are consumed, and whenever the body is stressed and sedentary, the body develops more acid than it can handle. Once this happens, the body does what it can to deal with foods that are hard to digest and high in excess acid. Often, there is remaining acid that causes symptoms such as acid reflux or GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease), along with heartburn and even an increased risk of oesophageal cancer.


Even without reflux and other conditions, your body needs to work harder than ever to digest acidic foods and other hard to digest foods. The digestive system is clogged with yeast overgrowth, and food is often trapped in the colon and small intestine. As more food is added, the digestive system quickly becomes clogged. In the small intestine, the tiny protrusions known as villi are made to absorb nutrients. Symptoms include IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), weight gain, excessive weight loss, fatigue and many others. When your system is clogged, the villi are unable to absorb properly, flattening and affecting your nutrient intake. This leads to even more issues – fatigue, fibromyalgia, mental fatigue, digestive discomfort, weight gain, bloating, malnutrition, muscle loss, unhealthy weight loss and many others.


Believe it or not, body fat is also caused by an acidic lifestyle. Symptoms directly related to acids stored in fats include excess body fat, obesity, loss of mobility and flexibility. Embracing an alkaline diet and lifestyle can reduce excess body fat. Over a thousand people in my Alkaline Weight Loss Course saw amazing results, without counting calories or limiting their enjoyment of food, but purely from alkalising their bodies. When the body has too much acidity, it clings to fat, using fat to surround acids trapped in the body. These acids are bound in order to protect vital organs.


Just as the body stores acid in fats, it also uses soft parts of the body that are not vital organs, such as joints and muscles. Symptoms relating to acid in the joints include arthritis, osteoporosis, aching joints, joint pain, inflexibility and many others. An alkaline diet will quickly help to reduce and clear acid in the joints, resulting in better mobility and flexibility.


Finally, it is also worth noting that acidity also causes oxidation, which essentially leads to aging. Oxidation means that cells are dying and free-radicals are forming. This is why antioxidants are so important – they help to combat the signs of aging. Symptoms relating to oxidative stress include premature aging, dying cells, wrinkles, dark spots, sagging skin, dry hair, tired eyes and other signs of premature aging.

By now, you will be starting to see just how much damage acidity can do to the body. The first step in reducing or undoing the damage caused by an acidic lifestyle is to understand the dangers to your health and body, and then start making the changes you need to live your best life.