Live Blood Analysis
Live blood analysis, also known as Nutritional Microscopy or Darkfield Microscopy, refers to the analysis of living blood under a powerful microscope that is connected to a camera.Live Blood Analysis
Live blood analysis, also known as Nutritional Microscopy or Darkfield Microscopy, refers to the analysis of living blood under a powerful microscope that is connected to a camera.
The condition and quality of your red blood cells have a direct impact on your present and future health. Stress and disease often appear in the blood years before manifesting as symptoms in the body. Live blood testing enables us to see exactly how your blood behaves in the body, giving a clear picture of your health at a cellular level. Instead of simply looking to make a diagnosis from the patterns observed, live bloody analysis assesses the biological terrain that may appear as pH imbalances or other health issues.
What do we mean by terrain, you might be wondering? To understand this concept, it helps to think of a vegetable garden. If the terrain, or soil, is in healthy, the vegetables will grow abundantly, free of disease and parasites. Similarly, in the human body, if the terrain is healthy, bacteria, viruses and fungi will be repelled, metabolic processes will proceed unhindered, and the risk of disease will be reduced. By examining the live blood, the terrain can be assessed, and disease can be anticipated long before it manifests. This allows you to correct current imbalances and improve current ill health.
The Role of Live Blood Analysis
Live blood analysis plays a vital role in preventative healthcare. Red blood cells carry oxygen and the plasma carries nutrients to every cell in the body. The health of the blood affects every cell in the body, so it makes sense that you can improve your body’s health by improving the health of the blood.
The study of living, capillary blood has been performed by researchers all over the world for many years. Despite the different approaches and opinions over the years, there has been an underlying truth that has appeared in every approach since the beginning of blood testing. This truth is that the human body cannot live with an unnatural diet or an unhealthy lifestyle.
This has been a basic concept of natural medicine for thousands of years, but most patients still believe that they can cheat nature and still survive. Many are deluded into thinking that they can continue to eat unhealthily, and simply take a pill to counteract symptoms when they get sick.
Live blood analysis offers a quick and efficient way of assessing your health. A drop of blood is examined under a special microscope that has both dark-field and bright-field options. Nutritional deficiencies can be spotted, stressed organs can be identified, and heavy metal toxicities and imbalances in acidity or pH can also be detected.
The toxic effects of a typical Western lifestyle can easily be demonstrated. This is not a diagnostic tool but a way to confirm suspected issues. This test also offers a way to monitor or demonstrate progress and response to treatment.
The advantage of examining blood in its fresh state is the ability to gain far more information than conventional path testing allows. When a haematologist (or, more often these days, a computer) examines a blood slide, they analyse dead blood cells that have been fixed and stained. They count the relative numbers and look at the structure, but they cannot assess how the cells are functioning. The chemical pathologist will measure levels of cholesterol and other substances in the blood, and issue the results that are compared with a standard reference range. The patient’s doctor will then interpret the results and prescribe pharmaceutical medications to correct the abnormalities, sometimes prescribed for life.
The difference in live blood testing is that abnormalities are seen directly, and patients participate in the discussion of such abnormalities. The correction of these abnormalities is usually achieved by healthier eating habits, lifestyle modifications and natural supplements.
Most patients, when told to modify their lifestyle, are unlikely to make such changes for any significant length of time. With live blood testing, the patient can directly see the abnormalities that need correction. They are involved with the discussion and treatment approach. This greatly increases the motivation needed to make the changes, as they often start to feel better quickly, and can visually see their progress.
Most chronic and degenerative illnesses can be prevented with early nutritional intervention. Compared to conventional blood testing, live blood testing can detect many nutritional imbalances and deficiencies that increase the risk of such illnesses.
To find out more about how live blood analysis can change your health forever, contact the C Beyond Health team today or book a consultation.
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