by Ferdi Appelgryn | Oct 11, 2021 | C Beyond Health, Coaching
Many people I speak to seem to experience stress at some level, whether financial, emotional or environmental stress. It seems that stress has become a part of our lives, and most of us have much more to deal with than before. Many of us are consciously feeling tired...
by Ferdi Appelgryn | Sep 21, 2021 | C Beyond Health
We all feel fearful from time to time, and fear is a normal and natural emotion to handle. At times it’s beneficial, but sometimes we experience irrational fear. This means that we are consciously aware that the situation we are facing does not necessarily...
by Ferdi Appelgryn | Mar 9, 2021 | C Beyond Health
Anxiety tends to carry negative connotations, even though it is a completely normal emotion that we all feel every now and then. If this is the case, it poses the question “what is the real purpose of anxiety?” It can be said that all our emotions serve us in one way...
by Ferdi Appelgryn | Feb 25, 2021 | C Beyond Health
Whitney Houston once sang that “Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all” A wonderful phrase but have you ever tried doing it? The ancient Greeks differentiated between: • Eros (romantic, passionate love) • Philia (affectionate love) • ...
by Ferdi Appelgryn | Sep 13, 2020 | C Beyond Health
Would you love to wake up refreshed, energised and instantly jump out of bed? Would you love to live every day as your best self, for every day to be productive and enjoyable? Would you love to feel energised and ready to go, the second your alarm goes off? It’s...