Liver Flush


An effective liver and digestive detoxifier. Relieves sluggishness, bloating and atonic constipation. Helps the body in waste clearance of accumulated by-products. Improves digestive, liver and kidney function. Liver FlushTM has a hepato-protective action, preventing damage from harmful chemicals and alcohol and aiding recovery of the liver. Constituents act as free radical scavengers and clear heavy metals. Acts as a blood purifier and improves circulation. It also has anti-fungal and anti-parasitic actions.

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400mg, 60 capsules.

Ingredients: Each capsule contains: 78mg Cinnamonium zeylenium powder, 78mg Centaurium erythraea powder, 78mg Rhamnus purshiana powder, 78mg Zingiber officinalis powder, 78mg Cynara scolymus.


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