C Beyond Health Blog

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Mailer:  Where to Find Serenity

Mailer: Where to Find Serenity

I invite you to become conscious of what you are focusing on and what the outcome of that focus is. If it serves you, then that’s great, if it helps those around you as well the planet even better! If not, then I would further invite you to find the courage to focus on the things that you can change – as best as you can.

Astragalus: A True, Nourishing Tonic for Your Immune System

Astragalus: A True, Nourishing Tonic for Your Immune System

One of the best immune system tonics is Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceous). Native to China, Astragalus root has been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese Medicine to support immune health, vitality, and overall stamina. It is also commonly added to traditional Chinese formulas to help the herbs in a formula work harmoniously together.

We Know Your Pain

We Know Your Pain

An estimated one billion people worldwide are suffering from back pain. It affects all age groups, from children to the elderly. It is the biggest single cause of disability on the planet, with one in four adults estimated to suffer from back pain during their lives....

We’ve Got Your Back

We’ve Got Your Back

Every October, Bone and Joint Week helps get people thinking about one of the most widespread and pressing health issues of our times - musculoskeletal health or bone health and the role of each of us in improving it. Osteoporosis is also known as “the silent...