C Beyond Health Blog
Read all the latest blog posts directly from C Beyond Health.2024: A Year of Gratitude, Growth and Natural Health – Thank You for Your Support
As the year comes to a close, I want to take this opportunity to reflect on our journey in the health industry, the state of our world, and the gratitude we feel for your unwavering support.
Embracing Autumn’s Wisdom: A Time for Inner Renewal
As the energy of summer wanes and gives way to the muted tones of autumn, we are reminded of the cycle of life and the beauty found in change.
Celebrating Human Rights Day = Brighter Future Together
“The health of the people is really the foundation upon which all their happiness and all their powers as a state depend.” - Benjamin Disraeli With warmth and a forward-looking perspective, we are excited to share our special March newsletter edition, aligned with...
A Glimpse Into Your Well-being: The Magic of Live Blood Analysis
Spring’s arrived! Everything around us is rejuvenating, and it’s that time for some good old-fashioned spring cleaning. Not just for our homes, but for our bodies too.
Decoding the MTHFR Gene Mutation: Understanding Symptoms and Steps for Better Health
I hope this message finds you well and ready for another journey into the fascinating world of health and wellness. As someone who has experienced my share of health challenges, I believe in sharing critical knowledge to help you lead a healthier, more vibrant life....
The Immune System and Glyconutrients
As the winter season takes hold in Hermanus, the biting chill in the air has become a daily reminder of the shifting seasons. Undeniably, with this colder weather, we've witnessed a noticeable upsurge in the common cold and flu recently. These conditions are a stark...
The Powerful Connection Between Your Microbiome And Brain Health
As an alternative health practitioner, one of my goals is to keep you informed about the latest research and advancements in the field of health and wellness. Today, I'd like to discuss the fascinating connection between your gut microbiome and mental-emotional...
Is Your Immune System Ready For Winter?
Why do people get sick in winter? Have you ever thought about that? Have you ever opened the fridge and noticed we refrigerate food because pathogens generally steer clear of the cold? They prefer warmer temperatures like most of us. So then, why do we get sick in...
It’s Time To Spring Clean, Don’t Get Left Behind!
It's almost the end of the first month of 2023, and it's flown by so quickly. In this email, I want to inspire you to take a positive step towards a healthier, better you. I’d like to invite you onto a metabolic detox if you are interested in having more energy, focus...
Seasons Greetings! You’ve made it!
Dear friends, you've made it! It’s been another challenging year, and if you have made it, You have full permission to pat yourself on the back! The C Beyond Health team would like to thank you for your continued support and commitment to a healthier, more conscious...
Five Ways To Healthier Holidays This Year
Dear friends, We used to dread the holidays anticipating the impact of the silly season deluge of overindulgence on our health and waistline. Although global trends indicate that this is changing, not all of us are on board yet. There are three categories of people:...
Is Eating Healthy Enough To Achieve Health?
Have you ever considered whether eating healthy is enough to achieve optimal health? For most health nuts, the answer is a no-brainer: A simple and emphatic No! The dictionary describes optimum health as: "the best possible" or "most favourable." Your health could be...