C Beyond Health Blog

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Is Your Immune System Ready For Winter?

Is Your Immune System Ready For Winter?

Why do people get sick in winter? Have you ever thought about that? Have you ever opened the fridge and noticed we refrigerate food because pathogens generally steer clear of the cold? They prefer warmer temperatures like most of us. So then, why do we get sick in...

Seasons Greetings! You’ve made it!

Seasons Greetings! You’ve made it!

Dear friends, you've made it! It’s been another challenging year, and if you have made it, You have full permission to pat yourself on the back! The C Beyond Health team would like to thank you for your continued support and commitment to a healthier, more conscious...

Five Ways To Healthier Holidays This Year

Five Ways To Healthier Holidays This Year

Dear friends, We used to dread the holidays anticipating the impact of the silly season deluge of overindulgence on our health and waistline. Although global trends indicate that this is changing, not all of us are on board yet. There are three categories of people:...

Is Eating Healthy Enough To Achieve Health?

Is Eating Healthy Enough To Achieve Health?

Have you ever considered whether eating healthy is enough to achieve optimal health? For most health nuts, the answer is a no-brainer: A simple and emphatic No! The dictionary describes optimum health as: "the best possible" or "most favourable." Your health could be...